Sree Mookambika Institute of Dental Sciences

Performance Appraisal


During the time of induction, the new staff are educated about the system of functioning with regard to appraisal methods making them aware of their responsibilities in the civic structure. It helps them to follow the work pattern of the institution. At the end of an academic year,every staff member is given self-appraisal forms to fill out and submit to the Principal. These self-appraisals at regular intervals ensure that the staff are always monitoring their own progress, understand their limitations and rectify them. It also helps in trying new and acceptable ways to have a positive outcome. For each staff the Principal evaluates the feedback and attempts to understand the perception of that faculty within their environment. Their strength and weakness are assessed. If any staff is found to be having a scope for improvement, then the methods to improve are suggested and deployed. A fresh self-appraisal after a certain time is done to review performance. Such academic and behavioral modulations are evaluated by the Principal and communicated to the Management members for further evaluation. Apart from self-appraisal there is peer appraisal i.e., from junior and senior staff and appraisal from authority is also given about each staff member. This is done via feedback forms sent confidentially to the faculty . This gives the staff a consolidated view of their efforts, their value and contribution to the platform, and also areas in need of improvement. It also helps them to approach the concerned faculty who are good in specific skills for help and guidance. Such a holistic approach to self-improvisation ensures cooperation from the staff and makes for a cohesive atmosphere. The management makes the final decision regarding all such feedback and communicates to the staff for further follow up. Student appraisal Since students are the major stakeholders in the teaching learning process, feedback from the students for all faculty from all departments are taken which is submitted to the head of the institution. Page 102/133 21-09-2021 03:55:49 Academic skills such, teaching competence, subject explanation, clinical guidance and appropriate behavior and punctuality to the class are noted by the students in their feedback forms and submitted to the Principal. Scoring will be done on a scale of 1 – 10. Such information is then disseminated to the staff for further reconsideration. Non – teaching staff All non-teaching staff is independently evaluated by their respective seniors and heads of offices and also by heads of departments. Such appraisals are then evaluated by the Administrative Officer for further action. lf there are any challenges, the officer speaks to that particular employee to ensure directness in approach and also provide a chance for that non-teaching staff to correct themselves.. Such interactions make the staff aware of implications of non-improvement and provide impetus to do better. Finally, after a prescribed time of employment, a collated view of each non-teaching staff is submitted by the Administrative Officer to the Management for further evaluation and action.